Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Plural Nouns - Rules

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Plural Nouns 

Composition 1: A Fire Incident At Home

Written Expression 1: A Fire At Home 

           One Sunday, Mary and Terry were at home. They did not know what to do. Suddenly, Terry remembered that he had a box of matchsticks, so he called his sister, Mary, to play with him. They took the box of matchsticks and found a lighter. Then they settled down on the floor of the living room to play with matchsticks.

           Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew the nearby curtain towards Terry and it caught fire from the lighted matchstick. Mary was frightened and stood still like a statue whereas Terry reacted fast.

           He went downstairs to inform their mother about the fire. Mother was shocked and hurriedly took a basin of water from the toilet.

          She then threw the water on the fire to put the fire out. After that, their mother scolded them for being mischievous. The children learned their lesson and promised not to play with matchsticks again.

By Liu Xincheng

A Fire Incident

            One Sunday, Mary and Ben were bored so they decided to play with matchsticks. They started to use a lighter to light the matchsticks.

            Suddenly, the wind started to blow fiercely but they still did not stop playing with the matchsticks. They left the burning matchsticks on the floor.

             The wind blew stronger and stronger and the curtain went nearer and nearer to the lit matchsticks. Suddenly, the curtain caught fire.

             When Mary saw the fire, she panicked. Ben acted fast and quickly dashed down the stairs, screaming for her mother. After hearing about the fire, their mother was shocked. She took a large basin of water and splashed the water on the burning curtain. After that, she scolded Mary and Ben for playing with something dangerous like the matchsticks. Both of them apologised to their mother and promised not to play with matchsticks again.


Written by Saanvisri, BU2/2021


A Fire Incident

            Sam and Sally are two mischievous siblings. They found some matches and were playing with them in their bedroom.

Suddenly, the wind blew strongly and touched the burning matchstick. The curtains caught fire! Sam quickly ran to their mother who was cooking in the kitchen. Then she immediately took a basin of water to the bedroom. She poured the water over the burning curtains. Soon, the fire was put out

She was very angry with Sam and Sally for playing with matches. She scolded them and they apologised to her for being mischievous. They promised not to play with matches again. They have learnt a lesson not to play with dangerous things like matches again.

By Ting Xing Yan, BU2/2021


A Fire In The Bedroom!

             One sunny afternoon, Ben and Sarah were in their bedroom playing with matchsticks.

They were playing very happily when a big strong wind rushed in through their window. The long curtain blew towards the lit matchstick that Ben was holding. The curtain caught fire instantly! The two children panicked with fright. Sarah was so frightened that she could not even move! But Ben was alert! He quickly dashed to the kitchen to inform their mother.

When she heard about the fire, she was shocked. She quickly ran to fill up a pail of water. Then she rushed to her children’s bedroom to put out the fire.

When the fire died down, she scolded her children for being mischievous. The two children felt guilty and apologised and promised not to play with matchsticks ever again.

By Jaymee Waters, BU2/2021


A Fire!

        Last Sunday, Ben and his sister, Sophia, were bored. They decided to play with matchsticks in their bedroom.

        A strong wind suddenly blew the nearby curtains towards Ben. They caught fire immediately. The two children panicked but Ben quickly went to the kitchen to inform their mother. 

        After hearing about the fire, she felt angry with them for playing with matchsticks. She hurriedly took a basin of water and threw the water at the burning curtains to put out the fire. 

        After that, she scolded them for being mischievous. They promised her that they would not play with matchsticks again.

By Liang Zhiyi, BU2/2021