Selected Compositions (Lower Primary)

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    The sun was shining brightly. There was a gentle breeze. It seemed like a perfect day for me to play outside. However, I sat miserably at the dining table. I was in a lot of pain. I had a toothache. Mother noticed that I hardly ate my breakfast. She asked me if I was all right. “My mouth hurts. I think I have a toothache,” I replied.

I went to the dental clinic with Mother. We waited for our turn. I had mixed feelings. I was worried about having to pull out my tooth but at the same time, I wanted to ease my pain. My hands became cold and clammy and I had butterflies in my stomach.
When it was my turn, the dentist examined my teeth. He found a bad tooth. It had decayed and that was causing the pain. The dentist told me that he had to extract my tooth. First, he gave me an injection in my gums. Then he used a pair of forceps to pull out my decayed tooth. When the tooth was pulled out, I was relieved. I thanked the dentist and he advised me to take good care of my teeth. I should not eat too much sweets and chocolates too. From that day onwards, I brush my teeth twice a day. I hardly have toothaches or visit the dentist to extract my tooth.

A Family Outing

One pleasant Saturday, my family and I went to Jewel at Changi Airport. All of us were filled with energy and excitement. Firstly, my mother bought tickets for three sky walking nets and one for entry to Canopy Park. After we bought the tickets, we went inside Canopy Park. Then we went to Discovery Slides for the first activity.

Next, we went to the sky walking nets. It was very high up from the ground! Luckily, the security guards helped us all the way to the end. After that, we went to Foggy Bowls. I stood in the foggy place for a while. Later, we went to Discovery Slides again because I wanted to slide faster. After we exited that place, we went to Pokemon Store to buy an Evee soft toy. We ate lunch after we bought the soft toy. After lunch, Mum suggested eating ice cream.

We enjoyed ourselves very much at Jewel, Changi Airport. There were too many interesting things to look at and enjoy there.                                                                                                                                                                                                              (By Liu Xincheng, BU1)

Deepavali Celebration

On Deepavali, the Hindus wear new clothes. The females wear sari kurta. They wake up before sunrise.

The food for Deepavali is usually prepared by the older people in the family. They cook delicious food like lentil curry, mutton curry and dosai. They also serve muruku and laddu when visitors come to their house.

The entrances of Hindu houses are decorated with kolam. It is usually an intricate flower design drawn on the ground with colourful rice.

After that, they visit their family, relatives and friends. They give good wishes to all that they visit, especially their grandparents, and hope that they will be well and healthy in the new year.

(By Lin Wenxuan, Greta, BU1)

WE6: A Family Outing By Liang Zhi Yi (BU1)

     It was a bright and sunny day. My family and I were at the beach. My mother unpacked our picnic basket under a shady tree. While I was playing, my mother was relaxing under the shady tree, while Dad swam.


     After playing for a while, I got hungry, so I went to get food from my mother. After eating, I went to make sandcastles and play in the sand.


     I went to play a ball game with my parents. It was fun to play with them. Next, my mother and I swam in the sea. I swam happily in the sea.


     When it was getting dark, and the sun was setting, we packed up and went home. We were exhausted but happy as it was an enjoyable and memorable trip to the beach.


A Family Activity (By Group 4)

        One pleasant Saturday, my family and I planned to bake a cake. I was enthusiastic to bake a cake as I had never baked a cake before. My mother and I went to FairPrice to buy the ingredients. As we were shopping at the mall, my brother stayed home to prepare the bowls, the mixers and a small packet of sugar. After we went home, we started to bake a cake together.

       First, we poured some flour into the bowl. Next, we added milk and butter. After that, we cracked two eggs. We separated the eggs by pouring the egg yolk into one bowl and pouring the egg white into another. We repeated the same thing for the other egg. After all that, we poured the egg yolk into the flour, milk and butter bowl. We mixed the egg yolk with the mixer. My brother mixed the egg white with the super mixer until it was a sticky cream. Next, we poured the cream into the bowl that contained egg yolks and the others.

     After all that hard work it was finally time to bake the cake. After some time, the cake was baked! We still had some grapes in our fridge actually. We decorated the cake using the grapes to make it more appetizing. When I took the first slice of cake, I took a grape with it because I wanted to have more flavours in the cake. When I took my first bite, I tasted it and it was delicious! I had a great and fruitful day!

A Family Outing By Makaela

     My family and I decided to go for a walk near our neighbourhood one day. We put on our boots and masks before we left the house.

     We took a right turn around our house and walked down the road. We saw many trees, plants, snails and flowers along the road. It was not too hot. There was a breeze during our walk. My sister and I walked in front of our parents so that they can could see us.

     During the walk, we also saw other some joggers and dogs. We passed by many beautiful houses and picked our favourite one.

     After one hour, we ended the walk and went home, feeling very refreshed and happy.


A Family Outing By Andrea Chia

     "Last Saturday, the weather was lovely and the sun was shining brightly in the sky. My family and I decided to head to the beach to breathe in fresh air. My mother and I prepared some sandwiches and some drinks and we brought along my new 2-wheeled bicycle."

     “t the beach, we saw many tents and people cycling. We found a shady spot under a big tree and laid out our picnic mats. After having some sandwiches, I tried riding my bicycle. My mother helped me by holding onto my bicycle. When my mother let go of her hands, I tried to cycle but I wobbled left and right. Soon, I fell off my bicycle."

     I still have not learnt how to ride a 2-wheeled bicycle but I will continue to try again.

A Visit To The Zoo

          One day, my class boarded a school bus to go to the zoo. Mrs Heng, our teacher, took us there. We felt excited when we were at the entrance of the zoo. We queued up in an orderly manner to enter the zoo.

          We saw a white tiger with black stripes on its body. It was fierce and it roared loudly at everyone. Mrs Heng told us there were more amazing animals in the zoo for us to see, so she led us to see the other animal enclosures.

          Next, we saw the amazing elephants with their long trunks. We saw the zookeepers performing tricks with them. The zookeepers threw some hula hoops into their trunks and then the elephants twirled them around their long trunks.

          I felt tired at the end of the visit. Mrs Heng led us to board the school bus back to school. We waited for our parents at the gate to fetch us home. That day was an enjoyable and memorable one for me. (By Hailey Yap, BU1)

One Monday, our teacher, Mrs Heng, took us to the zoo. We felt excited going to the zoo. We went there by bus. We queued up in an orderly manner at the entrance.

          We went to the zoo and saw a white tiger with black stripes in an enclosure. It was fierce. It roared loudly at us. It was scary. We were so thrilled watching the white tiger.

          We saw the elephants, next. The zookeepers taught them how to play tricks. They twirled the hula hoops with their trunks. The show was so amazing! After that, we went to eat lunch.

           At the end of the trip, we were so tired so we boarded the bus back to school. The trip was fun and exciting. It was an enjoyable and memorable one. (Sonia Liew, BU1)

During the holidays, we went to the zoo. We were excited to go to the zoo. We queued up and our teacher, Mrs Heng, bought the entrance tickets for us.

          We saw a white tiger. It had black strips on its body. The tiger was fierce and roared loudly at us.

          The elephants performed tricks. They played hula hoops with their trunks. We enjoyed watching their wonderful performance.

          At the end of the day, we were tired and we boarded the bus back to school. What an enjoyable and memorable day! 

(By Tiffany Ew, BU1)

One day, BU1 students went to the zoo. We felt excited. We were waiting at the zoo entrance for our teacher to buy the entrance tickets. We queued up in an orderly manner to enter the zoo. Our teacher brought us inside to see the animals/

          First, we saw a white tiger. There were black stripes on its body. It was very fierce. It roared loudly and we were scared. Then our teacher brought us to the elephant enclosure.

          The elephants performed tricks. We saw that they were playing with hula hoops. It was a wonderful show! I had not seen an elephant performing with hula hoops before! After that, it was time to go back to school.

          Our teacher led us to our school bus. We boarded it to go back to school. It was an enjoyable and memorable time at the zoo. I was tired but happy. 

(By Jaymee Waters, BU1)

Sonia is a Good Daughter


Sonia loves her parents. They love and take care of her.


Sonia and family stays at Dido Street. They like to go to the playground to play and go to nearby restaurants to eat.


Sonia listens to her parents by doing what they say. She picks up her toys after playing.


Sonia loves to listen to her daddy’s stories. They are interesting.


Sonia helps her parents by playing with her younger brother. She makes her brother feel better when he is upset.


Sonia is polite. She says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.


Sonia shows she loves her parents by hugging and kissing them.


Sonia is a good daughter.

By Sonia Liew En Ci (17)

BU 1/2020

It was a sunny Monday afternoon. Kate and George were at the playground playing catch. There were many children around. There was a slide with two seats and two see-saws. There were flowers, trees and buses too.

While they were playing, they bumped into each other and Kate fell down. George saw that Kate was hurt as her knee was bleeding.

George was very worried because there was a cut on Kate’s knee. She was moaning in pain and sobbing.

George decided to take Kate home. When they got home, their mother saw the cut on Kate’s knee. She quickly ran to her and George told her what had happened. Then their mother put a plaster on Kate’s injured knee and comforted her. After a few minutes, Kate felt happier as the pain became less.

By Kaylene Wan (BU1)

At The Playground

It was a sunny Saturday morning. Jane and her brother, James, went to the playground at East Coast Park to play catching. They played happily together.

Suddenly, Jane and James bumped into each other. Jane fell and hurt her knee. James quickly ran to her and asked her, “Are you all right?”

Jane said, “It is painful.”

Jane groaned in pain and sobbed loudly. Her brother, James, was worried. James decided to bring Jane home to inform their mother.

When they reached home, James ran to tell their mother what had happened. Their mother put antiseptic cream on Jane’s injured knee and then placed a plaster on it.  Then their mother comforted Jane. Her brother felt happy that Jane felt much better after their mother had treated her cut. 

 (By Joan Heng, BU1)

A Nightmare


Hoot! Hoot! The owl sang soothingly, while the other birds were snoring away. I was sitting on my plushy bed while reading a very interesting, but frightening book. It was Geronimo Stilton's most adventurous book. Geronimo Stilton was a mouse, a very clever one. He was not any normal mouse, but a detective mouse! He had a team to work with. His sister, Thea Stilton, had a team too! When both of the smartest teams worked together, they hatched up a marvellous and brilliant plan to capture thieves, or solve tricky and mysterious mysteries.

          "Dylan Wang! It's time to sleep. I have told you a thousand times!" my sister yelled as she glared with dagger-like eyes at me.

          "I know, I know, Catherine Wang. Shouldn't you be sleeping? I asked as I ambled over to the windows to close them. Catherine nodded in agreement. I said goodnight to her and offered to switch off the shimmering bright light which was like my own personal sun at night.

          I dreamt that I was a not-so-clever mouse. I had to fight with a blood-sucking poisonous cobra! It had thin slippery scales and long fangs that were stained with crimson blood. Its enormous and bulging big eyes looked so scary! Its scarlet tongue kept on making an irritating hissing sound. Hungrily, it licked its lips and kept on staring coldly at me.

          I ran as fast as lightning, as I shouted,"Mr.Snake, please don't eat me up. Don't come after me!" The vicious snake did not listen. Intelligently, it dug an underground tunnel and the earth started to shake.

          A rumbling sound vibrated through my ear. Suspicion rose in my heart as to what the ferocious snake was doing down there. As I fought bravely to escape, the snake appeared right before me. It was grinning from ear to ear as its tail coiled around me. I struggled hard, but to no avail. It only made me weak and tired. Cold sweat trickled down my spine at the disgusting thought of the snake about to eat me up. As I squeezed my eyes shut, the snake opened its mouth, wanting to gulp me down.

          "Wake up, Mr.Sleepyhead. You have school today!" my sister hollered. I saw her neatly-dressed in her school uniform, ready for school. She was tapping her foot, waiting impatiently for me to get up by my bedside with a cross look on her face.

          Whew! I thought inwardly. It was just a frightening nightmare!

From that day onwards, I tell myself that before I go to sleep, I would not read horror or scary adventure books or movies again. I would only read such books or watch such films in the day time to prevent nightmares.

(By Rie, MO3/2018)


A Fractured Tales

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Long, long ago, there was a witch whose name was Snow White. She was very evil as she was Queen of Witches.

One day, she sent out some henchmen to find the Wise Witch of the Woods. The Wise Witch asked Snow White what her wish was. Then she replied that she wished to have the power to make things disappear at once. The Wise Witch of the Woods gave her a condition that she had to kill all the dwarves in the kingdom in order to have that special power. With that, she bade farewell to Snow White and left.

When Snow White’s grandmother tried to stop her from doing evil, she  sent her to the dungeon. Then she stole her magic mirror to ask if there was any dwarf still alive. When the mirror showed her that there was a group of dwarves still alive, she was furious.

All her henchmen could not find the dwarves because they had hidden themselves deep in the forest. Snow White then asked the magic mirror to locate them for her. It instantly showed her where they were hiding in the Dark Forest. She decided she would kill them herself. She disguised herself and went to look for them.

At last, she found the dwarves’ cottage in the Dark Forest. She knocked on their door and a dwarf came to open the door. He introduced himself as Cheery and asked how he could help her. Snow White told him that an evil queen wanted to kill her so he allowed her to enter the cottage. To allay Snow White’s fears, they sang and danced to entertain her, their beautiful guest.

Late into the night, when the dwarves fell asleep, Snow White tried to kill them. However, she suddenly lost all her powers to kill. It was as if all the happiness in the world was trying to protect the dwarves from being killed.

When morning came, Snow White was turned into stone and the kingdom was back to peace and harmony again.

By Naomi’s group (BU3/2017)

Little Red Riding Elf

Once upon a time, there was an elf called Dobby.  He lived in a tiny mushroom cottage.

One day, he was wandering in the wood, bringing fruits to his old grandmother. On the way there, he saw his old time enemy and was busy quarrelling about the past.

  Being distracted, Dobby forgot about his old grandmother. When he realized that he had to bring the food to his grandmother, he hurried off.

When he reached his grandmother’s house, he knocked on the door. His grandmother said, “Come in quickly! I’m very hungry.” Dobby pushed the door open. He told his grandmother, “Here are your fruits, Grandmother.” Dobby’s grandmother said, “YUCK! This is disgusting, you filthy brat! I wanted chocolate cake and chocolate chip cookies.” Grandmother chased Dobby out of the house and slapped his face. Dobby walked home with tears streaming down his face.

By Group 1 (Chloe, Angelica, Enayah, Ashvika ) JO3 /2017


Suffering A Wound

On a balmy Sunday morning, the two best friends Emerald and Lavender were excited as their parents allowed them to play together at the playground. Emerald and Lavender ran to the playground, hand in hand.

Just then, Emerald tripped on a pebble and tumbled forward. Tears welled up in her eyes as she hurt her knee. Lavender was shocked as she shouted, “Emerald, are you okay?” Emerald didn’t respond but she continued to cry miserably.

Lavender tried to comfort her as the pain was excruciating, but to no avail, as she sobbed continuously. They tried to stop the bleeding by cleaning it and wiping it, but it did not work.

Lavender had no idea how to ease her pain, so she helped Emerald to the bench and called her parents to the doctor for treatment.

From that day onwards, Emerald tried not to run and fall down again.   


By Alyssa



Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. This may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and skin rash. Recovery generally takes two to seven days. In a small number of cases, the disease develops into the life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding and low levels of blood platelets, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs.

An Act of Vandalism

Whip! The cane sliced through the air. Tom and Jerry screamed like girls in pain when the cane hit their hands. If only they had not been so wilful…

Ring! The bell went off and children sauntered out of their respective classrooms. Tom and Jerry made their way to the library. They grabbed a book each and Tom started to vandalise one of the books, drawing squiggles on it. Jerry turned to the first page of a book and started to tear it. They were oblivious to a teacher who was standing just next to them.

The teacher was watching their every move. She shouted fiercely, “Stop!” The boys stopped, frozen in mid-action. The teacher furrowed her eyebrows and said, “These books are not yours! This is vandalism! Come with me NOW!” Tom and Jerry hung their heads low and followed the teacher obediently. Tom gave the vandalised book to the teacher and the teacher passed it to the librarian.

The librarian checked the book and told the teacher she would speak to the discipline master. The librarian and the discipline master decided that the boys’ parents should be called and that the boys should face public caning for their deeds.

When Tom and Jerry returned home after the punishment, they had another earful from their parents. Since then, Tom and Jerry never made the same mistake again. It was indeed a hard and painful lesson learnt.

Gayle Pow Kai Xin

Amethyst 3

 A Fire

Dew still hung from the emerald green leaves and the morning flowers greeted me as I waved goodbye to my mother. The freshness and crispness of the air filled my nostrils as I took deep breaths. I was ready for school with my hair combed and my school bag packed with books. I was overjoyed to be going back to school after the June holidays.

My hair was blowing in the wind as I strolled to school. The leaves were rustling and the birds were chirping a sweet gentle song. It was a perfect day to start a brand new term. I was so engrossed in enjoying the scene that I did not notice a fire right in front of me! I suddenly smelled smoke, looked up and saw a block of flats on fire! I was speechless. I had never seen such a huge fire before. The hungry flames licked the block of flats all the way to the ground floor.

          I ran home hurriedly to tell my mother. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I finally reached home and called out to her. My mother came out of the kitchen frowning. “What are you doing here?” she bellowed. I explained everything to her and she said, “Let me call the fire brigade.”

          My mother and I rushed to the block of flats that was on fire. It was spreading fast and fiercely. My mother and I waited for the fire brigade to come. Honk! Honk! Finally, the fire brigade came. The firefighters soon extinguished the fire. Luckily, no one was hurt. Once the firefighters left, my mother smiled at me and added, “Although you knew you would be late for school, you still rushed home to get me to call the fire brigade. I am proud of you!” I smiled and replied, “And now, I have to get to school!” We both laughed aloud. It was certainly an unforgettable experience for us!

Cayla Megan Sim Li-En

Amethyst 3

A Bully

School had ended about half an hour ago and most of the students had gone home. Wilbur and his three friends were having a game of basketball. They were cheering happily during the game.

Out of the blue, Fiero, the school bully, strode up to the boys and grabbed the ball from Andrew. The rest of the boys felt furious and shouted at Fiero. Fiero pushed Andrew, who fell down to the ground with a loud thud! His knees were scraped and he was groaning in pain. Instead of comforting him, Fiero sneered at Andrew instead. Mrs. Banerji, the Discipline Mistress, was doing her rounds at the courtyard. The boys’ argument caught her attention. Mrs. Banerji saw the group of boys quarrelling at the basketball court.

She walked closer and realised the boys were shouting at one another, with an injured boy sitting on the ground, groaning in pain. Wilbur informed Mrs. Banerji of the bullying incident and that made her very furious. Mrs. Banerji demanded Fiero to step forward and he was severely punished. Fiero felt very ashamed and hung his head low, too embarrassed to face the boys and Mrs. Banerji.

Wilber, James, Jake and Andrew decided to invite Fiero to join in their game as they felt sorry for him. Fiero was relieved that they were so forgiving and did not bear a grudge against him. As Mrs. Banerji walked away with a smile, the boys continued playing happily together.

Meng Xiaohan

Burgundy 3

A Fire

It was a wonderful cloudy day. Fluffy cream-white clouds were blocking the sun. "Bye, Mother!  I will see you this afternoon after school!" chirped Tim happily. He knew it was going to be a wonderful day. He could just feel it.

On his way to school, he could smell something strange – the strong smell of thick smoke. "Odd," thought Tim as he continued walking. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw thick black smoke mixing with the cream-white clouds in the air. "Help! Somebody please help! Our house is on fire!" Tim immediately spun around. He saw thick, black smoke bellowing out of a house. Tim stood rooted to the ground, unable to move with his jaw hanging low. He broke out in a cold sweat, sweating like an overflowing sprinkler.

Tim dashed to his house, which was a stone's throw away. As soon as he stepped into the house, he spilled everything he saw in a rush. "Tim! Calm yourself down!" uttered Mother. As she was unable to understand what Tim had said, Tim started again. "Mother, there is a fire! Call the firemen and the police!" yelled Tim. Mother ran to the living room and started dialling ‘995’. After a few rings, Mother was able to contact the firefighters. "Yes, there is a fire at Leaf Road, number 3A. Please go immediately!"

Within a few minutes, Tim could hear the sirens of the ambulance and police cars reverberating in the air. Soon, the firefighters were spraying jets of water at the building and the fire was put out. The police praised Tim and even though Tim knew that he was late for class, he could not wait to tell his friends about the fire.

Madison Defries

Cerise 3

A Bully

Ring! Ring! The school bell went off on the dot. Peter and John rushed excitedly towards the basketball court near the school field. They could not wait to begin the basketball match with their friends.

Without warning, a sixth grader shoved poor John onto the ground. He was on the verge of tears. Scratches covered his left knee. His knee was bleeding profusely as he burst into tears. The bully sniggered at John as he snatched the basketball. A teacher who was walking by saw what had happened. Without any hesitation, the teacher reprimanded the bully. His face flushed red with embarrassment. Peter and the rest of John’s friends helped him up and glared angrily at the vicious bully.

The teacher continued, “This kind of behaviour will not be tolerated in the school! Now, apologise to him this instant!” Then she walked back to the courtyard. The bully turned to John and mumbled a half-hearted apology. Then, an idea popped up in Peter’s mind. He asked the bully politely, “Do you want to play basketball with us? We could always use another player!” The bully considered this carefully and nodded his head excitedly.

Soon, the boys were playing basketball excitedly. A big grin spread across their faces, which were glistened with sweat. As time passed, the bully turned over a new leaf and learnt to be kind and considerate towards others. He had learnt a valuable lesson that day.

Sarah Chen

Emerald 3

An Act of Vandalism

It was recess time. Jimmy and James, the two mischievous twins, headed for the school library. As they made their way there, they laughed heartily at the thought of vandalising the library books. Soon they were seated in a corner and began scribbling, doodling and tearing the pages from some books. A teacher happened to walk past and witnessed what they were doing. She could not believe her eyes!

She stopped in her tracks and demanded for them to stop at once. Their laughter ended abruptly and they sat as still as a statue. The teacher grabbed the damaged books and marched them towards the librarian at the counter.

At the sight of the librarian, cold sweat trickled down their faces and a shiver ran down their spine. When the librarian heard and saw what had happened, her smile turned into a grimace of shock. She was speechless and stared furiously at the twins. The boys tried to explain themselves, but the words were stuck in their throats. The twins’ faces became as red as a beetroot as they apologised profusely for their actions.

The librarian looked at them reproachfully and explained, “I will excuse you this time. As punishment, you have to clean the library daily but if there is ever a next time, the punishment will be more severe!” The twins were relieved that the librarian had let them off lightly. They thanked the librarian for giving them one more chance and made a mental note to themselves that they would never do it again. They had certainly learnt a painful lesson that day!

Lin Xiuqi

Emerald 3

  A Day at the Playground

It was a hot and humid Wednesday afternoon. After school, Jenny and I met at East Coast Park as we had finished our homework. We headed excitedly to the enormous playground that had just opened up.

            Soon, Jenny was running happily towards the slide. Without paying attention to where she was going, she tripped over a pebble and fell. Her right knee was injured. I was shocked at what had happened and rushed over to her.

            Jenny burst into tears as she whimpered in pain. She held onto her right knee, which had begun bleeding profusely. I was thinking of what I could do to make her feel better. I helped Jenny to the nearest bench in sight. She was still badly shaken by what had happened. I tried to comfort her by saying, “It’s going to be okay!” I gave Jenny a tight squeeze and she smiled weakly. I used my mobile phone to call her parents to inform them about Jenny’s accident. Then, I kept her company till they arrived.

Moments later, Jenny’s parents arrived at the park and they took her home, but not before thanking me for my help. From that day, I had learnt to be more alert and aware of my surroundings. It is certainly better to be safe than sorry!

Wai Zhi Qin Simone

Jonquil 3

A Fire

It was a glorious Monday morning. Ben had a hearty breakfast, changed into his school uniform and waved goodbye to his mother. He made his way to school, which was just a stone’s throw away from his house.

            While walking, Ben heard a loud boom, followed by an ear-piercing scream. He wheeled around to see what had caused the shocking sound. To his utmost horror, Ben noticed smoke rising from a neighbouring apartment block. The first thing that came to his mind was the safety of the people living there.

            Ben did not wait for another second. He sprinted back home as fast as his legs could carry him. He alerted his mother, who immediately telephoned the fire brigade. Ben prayed for the safety of those living in the affected block.

            The fire brigade arrived in the nick of time. Aided by strong wind, the roaring flames had escalated ferociously. The fire brigade battled the fire heroically. There were many struggles but they emerged victorious in the end. The fire brigade then investigated the cause of the fire. It turned out that a young child was playing with matches and had accidentally lit one. Fortunately, no one was injured. The residents thanked Ben for his quick thinking. He was just relieved that everybody escaped unscathed. From that incident, Ben learnt the importance of playing safe and staying safe.

Natasha Shyam

Jonquil 3

A Bully

The sound of laughter rang through the basketball court. Engrossed in their game, four boys let out shrieks of delight whenever a team scored. As all eyes were fixed on the ball, no one noticed an older boy walking towards them with his hands in his pockets.

The older boy had thick, black hair and wore a pair of glasses. His mouth was twisted in a gleeful smile. He tried snatching the ball from one of the smaller boys but the boy held on to the ball tightly. As they began playing tug-of-war, a sly idea crept into the bully’s mind. When the small boy held on to the ball with all his might, the bully suddenly let go, causing the small boy to stagger backwards and fall to the ground. The ball bounced away, right into the bully’s hands.

The friends of the injured boy helped him up and glared at the bully with unblinking eyes that flashed with anger. A female passer-by witnessed all that had happened and decided to confront the bully because she wanted to stand up for them.

As she strode up to the bully, he began to feel scared. The adult’s presence was enough to make him cower in fear as she reduced the physical distance between them. The woman berated him for bullying others. The four boys huddled together, glad for the help she had rendered. The bully hung his head, ashamed of himself. He promised not to bully anyone again.

As the woman walked away, she heard laughter behind her. Curious, she turned around and saw the four boys playing with the bully. Delight was written all over their faces. She smiled, pleased to see that she had helped. 

Lauren Leong Eu Shyen

Mocha 3

TopA Day at the Beach

“Let’s make our own kites!” Janelle exclaimed excitedly. It was the weekend and James and Janelle decided to spend their day at the beach. They were making the tails of their kites with colourful pieces of paper. The clear blue water glistened under the warm sun as if it was welcoming visitors to the beach.

            Out of the blue, a strong gust of wind blew towards James and Janelle. James thought that his kite could handle the wind. However, since he did not release enough string, his kite broke into two. James watched as his kite danced in the air before landing in the ocean. He was determined to get his kite back to fix it. As James waded deeper into the water, the current became gradually stronger and swept him away from the shore. Soon, it was too late for him to swim to the shore. “Argh! Help! Janelle! Get – some – help!” James shouted between breaths.

            When Janelle heard his screams echoing from a distance, she stopped flying her kite and spotted James waving his arms. Janelle’s eyes widened in fear. She ran to alert the coastguard. Soon, she was on the boat with the coastguard, rushing towards Janelle.

            “Here I come!” Janelle hollered as loudly as she could so that James could hear her voice, which was almost drowned out by the engine.

            Soon, they were all safe on shore with James. Heaving a sigh of relief, James thanked Janelle and the coastguard profusely for helping him. The coastguard warned James of the dangers of swimming in the ocean. James hung his head in shame for placing the kite over his safety.

Elizabeth Victoria Say

Mocha 3

A Kind Deed

“Beep!” The green pedestrian light was beeping loudly.  Many pedestrians trotted hurriedly across the road like a troop of soldiers.  Nobody seemed to notice a frail old lady standing at the side of the road. The lady’s grey hair was tied up in a bun.  Her face was lined with wrinkles and her skin was peppered with age-spots.  In one hand, she was holding a walking stick and her steps were slow and unsteady.  In the other, she was holding a few bags of groceries.

Tom was on his way back home.  As he was about to cross the road, he noticed this frail old lady.  “May I offer you a hand?” asked Tom kindly.  Crowfeet appeared on the side of her eyes as she nodded in appreciation and thanked Tom profusely.  Without hesitation, Tom took over the shopping bags from the old lady.  She heaved a sigh of relief.  He held up his hands to stop the cars from moving.  Together, they walked across the road safely.  Tom accompanied the old lady all the way back to her flat.  She was very grateful for his kind deed.

Tom was happy that he helped someone in need.  He told himself that he would help the needy whenever he could.  He was in high spirits the whole day!

~ By Ulysse Wong (Primary 2)

This piece of composition is well-written because of a few reasons:

1. A variety of sentence beginnings.

Most lower primary students begin their sentences with a noun or pronoun. In this piece, this student was able to begin many of her sentences with words that are not nouns or pronouns, thus making her composition an enjoyable read.

2. Appropriate use of vivid verbs.

A number of vivid verbs were used to describe the characters’ actions clearly – such as ‘trotted’ and ‘accompanied’. These help readers to visualise the actions of the characters vividly.

3. Clear descriptions of feelings.

The characters’ feelings were clearly described in this story too. Descriptions of feelings help to make the composition more engaging and interesting.

4. Great descriptions of character.

Character descriptions is a more advanced writing technique. However, this Primary 2 student was able to describe the old lady vividly, with a great range of vocabulary. Lower primary students’ story characters are usually flat but the old lady in this story is definitely not.

Lost And Found

“My cufflinks aren’t on the top of my cupboard!  Where did they go?  How am I supposed to go to work tomorrow?” Father exclaimed worriedly.  “Where’s my hairclip?  I put it on top of my wardrobe!” my older sister, Ann, exclaimed.  “I lost my earrings too!” Mother said in shock.  Something insanely mysterious had been happening in our house.  Our trinkets had been disappearing!  The whole family decided to search for our missing trinkets.

We searched high and low in every nook and cranny of the house but the trinkets were nowhere to be found.  Our search was fruitless.  As Mother suggested that we could have missed a small crevice in which the trinkets might have dropped into, we searched the house again but our efforts bore no fruit.  The family was desperate to get our trinkets back.  We suspected that our maid had taken the trinkets but as we did not have concrete evidence, we did not openly accuse her.

To take our minds off the matter, my sister and I asked Mother whether we could play basketball outside our house.  She agreed and we elatedly took our ball outside.

“Catch this, Ann!” I hollered as I threw the ball.  “It’s too high! I can’t reach it!” Ann replied.  Although she was older than me, she was desperately short.  This attribute, however, proved useful that day.  The ball shot towards her in a wide arc, towards her outstretched fingers but she was not able to catch it.  The ball seemed to fly in slow motion as it passed her hand towards a bird’s nest on a nearby tree.  It knocked the bird’s nest which tumbled down, shattering from the sheer impact.

Something rolled onto the grass, glinting in the bright sunlight.  Wondering what it was, I picked it up.  My jaw dropped.  I was flabbergasted.  It was Mother’s missing ring!  As my sister and I did an intricate scan of our surroundings, we noticed that the ground was littered with trinkets!  We were overwhelmed by surprise.

We gathered up all the trinkets and showed Mother, telling her what had happened.  Mother was astonished to hear the news and was jumping for joy.  She praised us for finding them, heaving a sigh of relief.  That day, we learnt that we should always close the windows, in case a bird took our trinkets again.  Once bitten, twice shy.

~ By Jasper Wong (Primary 3)

This is a new PSLE format composition, written based on the topic ‘Lost And Found’ and three pictures – a bird, a pair of friends and a cufflink.