Friday, March 26, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A Visit To A Dentist

 A Visit to the Dentist


The sun was shining brightly. There was a gentle breeze. It seemed like a perfect day for me to play outside. However, I sat miserably at the dining table. I was in a lot of pain. I had a toothache. Mother noticed that I hardly ate my breakfast. She asked me if I was all right. “My mouth hurts. I think I have a toothache,” I replied.

I went to the dental clinic with Mother. We waited for our turn. I had mixed feelings. I was worried about having to pull out my tooth but at the same time, I wanted to ease my pain. My hands became cold and clammy and I had butterflies in my stomach.

When it was my turn, the dentist examined my teeth. He found a bad tooth. It had decayed and that was causing the pain. The dentist told me that he had to extract my tooth. First, he gave me an injection in my gums. Then he used a pair of forceps to pull out my decayed tooth. When the tooth was pulled out, I was relieved. I thanked the dentist and he advised me to take good care of my teeth. I should not eat too much sweets and chocolates too. From that day onwards, I brush my teeth twice a day. I hardly have toothaches or visit the dentist to extract my tooth.

A Recipe for Making a Pizza

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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A Visit To A Dentist

Write a recount of your visit to the dentist. The words and phrases below help you to write the story.

Helping Words:

Throbbing toothache

Cheeks puffed and swollen

Waiting anxiously

Smiling receptionist

Friendly dentist

Spotless white coat

Big comfortable chair

Gleaming overhead mirror

Inspected my mouth

Probed and prodded

Needle pierced

Gums as cold as ice


Extract ugly decayed tooth

Rinse my mouth

Sigh of relief