Wednesday, July 20, 2022

My First Day of School

 My First Day of School

On 4 January, my sister, brother and mother sent me to school. I was very anxious but excited. I wondered who my teachers were and if I would make any friends.

At the entrance of the school, I saw a few teachers. They were friendly and guided me to my classroom. I saw my two form teachers, Mrs Heng and Mdm Rasyidah. There were also many girls at their seats.

We introduced ourselves and played many games. We then had a school tour. Our school was bigger than my kindergarten. We had two big halls – the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) in the second level and the Indoor Sports Hall (ISH) in the fifth level. After a snack break, we sang some songs with actions and received our class timetable.

It was a fun and memorable first day of school. I made some friends and looked forward to learning new things in school.

By Lauren Koh (MO1)