Wednesday, May 12, 2021

A Rainy Day

 Last Saturday morning, Jack was at home, feeling bored. He decided to call up his friends to meet him in the big field near his house. They met and started playing a game of soccer.

Halfway through their game, dark clouds began to gather. Then thunder rumbled and lightning flashed but they chose to ignore all these warnings. It started drizzling. Suddenly, it poured cats and dogs. Everyone scattered and went looking for shelter. 

By the time Jack reached home, he was drenched to the bone. He rang the doorbell  and shouted, " Let me in, Mum!" When his mother opened the door, she was shocked that he was soaking wet. She ordered him to go and have a hot shower immediately. 

After that, she measured his temperature and was amazed that he had a high fever. She then demanded that he lay in bed to rest and scolded him for being naughty and not coming back earlier before the rain poured. Jack had to take Panadol pills to bring down his fever. He stayed in bed for a few days until he recovered.

From that day onwards, he does not dare to play in the rain anymore.

By Mabel Chatterjee (BU2/2021)