Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Littering with a banana peel


            The cool wind caressed Tom’s cheeks as he decided to go for a walk. Before going out, he felt hungry so he brought a banana with him. While strolling, he ate the banana. He then threw the peel on the ground even though there was a litter bin beside him.

            A while later, an old man passed by the place where Tom threw the banana peel. The old man did not see the banana peel on the ground, stepped on it and slipped down with a loud thud. He groaned in pain and could not stand up.by himself. Tom was sitting on a nearby bench so he knew what had happened.

            Dan, a young man, saw the old man groaning in pain. He came to help him up. Dan then asked Tom what had happened. Tom explained to him all that happened.  Then Dan chided Tom and told him to apologise to the old man.

Fortunately, the old man forgave Tom. He felt ashamed of what he had done. He promised not to throw any banana peel on the ground again.

Andrea Chia


Kite Trouble


One sunny morning, Chase was bored at home so he decided to go out to go to an open field near his house to fly his kite. When he reached there, he immediately flew his kite.

            All of a sudden, his hand slipped and his kite flew into a nearby tree.  When he was wondering how to get his kite down, he found a long pole on the ground. He tried to use it to get his kite out of the tree.  While he was doing so, the pole accidentally poked a beehive and a swarm of bees came rushing out.

Chase screamed incessantly in terror and ran into a nearby pond.  He took a deep breath and dived into it as he had to hold his breath under water for some time. The bees hovered above the pond and when they could not find Chase, they flew away, disappointedly.

            From that experience, Chase has learnt that he has to be more careful in the future not to fly his kite near a tree.

Liang Zhi Yi



One windy Wednesday, Xavier was sitting by the window, feeling bored. School was closed for PSLE Oral Exam, so he had plenty of time to laze around at home. He decided to go to the nearby park to fly a kite. He had a whale of a time flying his kite.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew his kite into a big tree. Xavier tried pulling his kite off from the tree but it did not move an inch! Just at that moment, he found a long pole on the ground. He picked it up and tried hitting the kite down. Unfortunately, instead of hitting the kite down, he accidentally hit a bee hive!

Without warning, a swarm of bees flew out of the bee hive, getting ready to sting him. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Suddenly, he thought that bees hate water as they will drown in the water.

Just at that moment, he saw a pond in front of him. He took a deep breath before he dived into the pond. He knew the bees would not sting him. The bees waited for a long time for him to appear from the pond. Halfway through the waiting, they became tired of waiting, so they flew away.

Xavier has learnt to look more carefully before acting and not to fly kites near trees again.

Sage Low
