Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Littering with a banana peel


            The cool wind caressed Tom’s cheeks as he decided to go for a walk. Before going out, he felt hungry so he brought a banana with him. While strolling, he ate the banana. He then threw the peel on the ground even though there was a litter bin beside him.

            A while later, an old man passed by the place where Tom threw the banana peel. The old man did not see the banana peel on the ground, stepped on it and slipped down with a loud thud. He groaned in pain and could not stand up.by himself. Tom was sitting on a nearby bench so he knew what had happened.

            Dan, a young man, saw the old man groaning in pain. He came to help him up. Dan then asked Tom what had happened. Tom explained to him all that happened.  Then Dan chided Tom and told him to apologise to the old man.

Fortunately, the old man forgave Tom. He felt ashamed of what he had done. He promised not to throw any banana peel on the ground again.

Andrea Chia
