Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Vocabulary P1



How words are formed & Deduce the meaning of words from how they relate to one another

- compounding (Compound Nouns)  (e.g.,  workbook, basketball, keyboard)

- synonyms  (e.g.,  quick/ fast)                  

- near-synonyms  (e.g.,  in  the  word  cline:  cool–cold–freezing)       

- words with  opposite  meaning : -  antonyms    (e.g.,     far  /  near)    




Deduce how semiotic modes convey meaning in texts    

◦    linguistic   (e.g.,     word     choice,  punctuation,      grammar)           

◦    visual        (e.g.,     colour,  lighting,                images)

◦    gestural     (e.g.,     facial expression,       body language,   movement)       

◦    audio         (e.g.,     volume,  sound  effects, silence)




• Develop rich vocabulary through:         

◦  building  a  repertoire of  strategies  for  learning  new words 

◦  sorting  words  into  categories             

◦  substituting  selected nouns,  verbs,  or  adjectives  in a text  with  synonyms/ near-synonyms

◦  inferring  meaning  of words  using  contextual  clues

◦  keeping  a  record  of  words  (e.g.,  word  wall,  word bank,  word  cards,  picture  dictionary)         


◦ listening,  reading  and  viewing  widely  and  extensively  for  different purposes            

◦ selecting  and  monitoring  strategies  for  learning  words  purposefully  in  the course  of listening,  reading,  viewing,  speaking,  writing  and  representing




Use words suitable for purpose, audience, context and culture in relation to:       

◦  medium           (e.g.,     spoken, written,  multimodal)

◦  types of  texts  for  different  purposes




Use words meaningfully in conjunction with semiotic modes

◦   linguistic   (e.g.,  repeated  use  of  exclamation  marks could  mean  that  the  speaker  is  angry  or  shocked)        

◦  visual   (e.g.,   overt  use  of  the  colour,  red, in  an  image could  signify  danger/  violence/  passion/  love)             

◦   gestural   (e.g.,  setting  one’s arms  akimbo  could  show  defiance  or  a  display  of  authority)           

◦   audio   (e.g.,  use  of   a  pause  or  silence  could  create suspense  in  a  thriller)