Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A Bad Dream


Class Story (BU2)

Unit 2: A Bad Dream / A Nightmare


        One night, I was alone at home because my parents went out to celebrate their wedding anniversary. I was watching a horror movie before I went to sleep.

        Suddenly, I heard something stomping into my room. It was a huge monster that looked like a lion with long hairs on fire. It had a spiky body and laser sharp teeth. Its eyes were round like saucers and were staring at me. It looked like it was going to gobble me up with its long pointed sharp claws.

        I was instantly frightened to death. I perspired profusely and my back was soaking wet. I screamed at the top of my lungs for Dad.

        I heard someone calling my name, “Alice, Alice, wake up!” I opened my eyes and saw Dad sitting by my bedside. “It’s just a nightmare!” Dad said in a soothing voice.

        From that day onwards, I told myself not to watch horror movies before I go to sleep.


A Nightmare (Written by Hailey Yap, BU2)

One silent night, when I was about to go to bed, my father told me that I could watch a horror movie with him before sleep if I wanted. After watching the movie, I went to bed.

Suddenly, an ugly creature with face half-bitten and looking bloody all over his body appeared before me. He was a zombie and he wanted to bite and infect me. He had already infected all my friends as I saw them moving like that zombie. Instantly, all of the zombies limped towards me and wanted to bite me. Quickly, I pressed the alarm button near the door. The zombies could not stand the loud ringing noise.

I wanted to call my parents but they were zombies too! I could not call anyone because they were all infected. I was numbed with fear, too scared to death. My back was all wet with perspiration and I felt sticky. I was too petrified to pluck up my feet to run.

Then I heard someone saying, “Wake up, Andrew!” Instantly, I woke up from my dream. It’s just a nightmare!”

From that day onwards, I dare not watch horror movies again before sleep.

A Nightmare (Written by Mabel Chatterjee, BU2)

One dark night, the clock struck ten. I combed my hair and went to bed. I cuddled my teddy bear and snuggled into bed with her.

Just then, I heard a scary voice screeching, “Ha, ha, ha!” I was scared, really scared. I was also curious to find out what that creature looked like, so I took a fake sword and went downstairs to see what it was.

To my shock and surprise, I saw a fire-lion. It was indeed enormous. I stammered, “Wh…What a..are…you doing here?”

The fire-lion replied, “I’m here to destroy the world! If you think you can put me out with water, think twice. I’m indestructible!” Just then, a creature that looked like a dragon entered my living room and said, “Master Lion, I have completed inventing the device to destroy the world.”

The fire-lion roared as he counted, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!” and everything vanished instantly.

Finally, I opened my eyes. I was soaking wet in my pyjamas.  “Did you have an extra bath?” asked Dad curiously. I went downstairs and saw some fur on the floor of the living room. I told myself, “Did I actually encounter a fire-lion or was it just a piece of my imagination?” I scratched my head and my father looked puzzled too.

Alone At Home One Night (written by John Tan)

One night, my father was out shopping and my mother was overseas. I was up reading until the clock struck ten. I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

Out of the blue, I heard a whispery voice, “Ha, ha, ha!” I stared at the door in disbelief. I lay on my bed petrified as the thought of monsters invaded my mind.

Finally, curiosity got the better of me, so I grabbed my badminton racket and crept towards the door. I mustered all my courage and opened the door. To my surprise, I saw a jolly-looking creature. It was shaped like a melting ball of ice cream with two horns on its head and two hands with four fingers. It had two big eyes and a mouth which up one-third of its face. Surprisingly, it had no legs but left some slime on the floor. “Hello, my name is Gloop. What is yours?” the creature asked in perfect English.

I stammered, “My …my name is … is John.”

Suddenly, everything disappeared. The sun was shining through the window. I was still in bed. I looked at the place Gloop had been. It had traces of slime! I wondered if my encounter with Gloop was real or just a figment of my imagination.