Monday, February 1, 2021

Writing a Recount


If you want to tell someone about things that happened to you, you can write a RECOUNT. To recount, means to retell. When you write a recount, you tell about events in the order they happened. You also have to tell: who is in your recount; when it happened; where it happened and why it happened.


Personal recount, factual recount, imaginative recount

The Recount Skeleton


Orientation (Setting)

Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?

Event One

Event Two

Event Three

 Event Four


(Personal comment or evaluation)

Language Features

1 . Includes specific participants (My Family)

2.       Use of simple past tense

3.       Use of action verbs

4.       Use of linking verbs to do with time e.g. on Tuesday, when, then, after that

5.       Use of first personal pronouns

6.       Details selected to add interest

7.       Personal responses to events may be included except in factual recounts

Sample Text Recount:

If you look closely at Ted's recount, you can see it has a skeleton.

First Dav Back At School

Yesterday, I woke up really early. It was the first day

      back at school after a two-week holiday. I moaned a bit before I got out of bed. My sister, Beth, also groaned a bit but I think we were both glad about it because we missed our friends. I suppose I missed Miss Dixon a bit too.

First I had my shower and then I made my bed. Mum was unable to make my bed that day because she was very busy with my noisy little sister. When I went into the kitchen for my breakfast, my little sister gave me a huge smile.

The bus came at 8.30 a.m. and I found out that Jonathan, my best friend at school, had left and gone to another school. He did not even give me a call to tell me. At recess, I walked around the playground picking up papers. The duty teacher, Mr Brown, gave me some special points for my house for picking litter. That made me feel a bit better. Then Ryan asked me to join in his football game. The rest of the schoolday went quite fast and it was soon time to go home.

After I had watched my favourite television programme, 'Totally Wild', I went to Grandpa's house. He knows heaps

      about gardens and he tells me stories about when he was in the war. His stories are better than anything on television. We pulled up a few weeds and then he made me a chocolate milkshake, just like Grandma used to do before she died. I still miss her,             

I guess my first day back at school was an enjoyable one. Mum was in a much better mood. I made a new friend who has got a better football than Jonathan and I had a good time with Grandpa.