Tuesday, April 13, 2021

I Am A Stray Dog

         I am a stray dog living on the streets. I have a brown body with some black spots. My ears are short and pointed. I have big black eyes and a black nose. When I am happy, I will wag my long bushy tail. I look quite dirty as I have not washed myself for a long time.

I have no name. People call me all sorts of names. Some kind children try to become friendly with me and offer me bits of bread or other items of food but their parents don’t encourage them.

I have been living in this place ever since I can remember. I have to fight with other dogs for food and a place to sleep.

I see many tasty things to eat in shop windows, but I rarely get to eat them.

My life is one long struggle to survive. I have a rough life. Now, I hear that people think that dogs like me are a nuisance. They are making plans to get rid of us. I think it is better to take each day as it comes.