Friday, July 23, 2021

Phrasal Verbs

Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs 1

Anxious about : Worried about
Anxious for: Eager for/wanting

Bring about: Cause to happen
Bring back :(1)return; (2) cause to remember
Bring in : Yield or produce as profit
Bring out : Cause to appear or show clearly
Bring up :(1) educate or rear; (2) call attention to

Break down: (1) collapse; (2) stop because of a fault
Break into :Enter by force
Break off: Separate; to stop
Break out:To appear suddenly
Break up:To break into pieces
Break up with:Quarrel with (sb)

Call at: Visit (place)
Call on :Visit (sb)
Call for: demand
Call in :summon
Call off: cancel
Carry on: Continue, manage
Carry out: Perform, execute (duties)
Carry off : Remove by force
Carry through: Bring safely out of difficulties

Come about : happen
Come across : Meet by chance
Come by : obtain
Come down with: Begin to suffer from an illness
Come out : appear
Come round : (1) recover , (2) agree
Come to : amount
Come up to : Reach; be equal to
Come up with : Produce (idea)
Cut down : Reduce (expenditure)
Cut into : interrupt
Cut off : (1)Bring to an end; (2) isolated
Get away : escape
Get on : progress
Get along with : Be on friendly terms
Get through : Pass (an exam)
Give away: Betray, expose
Give in : surrender
Give off : Send out (smoke)
Give over : abandon
Give up : Stop trying
Go after : chase
Go into : (1) enter ; (2) examine
Go off : explode
Go through : Pass; discuss; examine
Go up: increase

Hold on : wait a moment
Hold up : Offer resistance; Delay; stop somebody for the purpose of robbery
Look after : Take care of
Look down on :despise
Look up : Search for
Look into : investigate
Look to (sb): Rely on
Look up to: respect
Look for : Try to find
Make out : Succeed in seeing/reading
Make up : reconcile
Make up for : compensate
Pull down : demolish
Pull through : Pass with difficulty; Recover from illness
Pull together: Co-operate
Put off: postpone
Put on: Wear, assume
Put out: extinguish
Put up with :tolerate
Run down: Become feeble or tired; treat with disrespect
Run out of :Exhausted, finished
Run up to : Amount to
Run into : Incur debt
Run away: Try to escape
Run over :revise
Run across: Meet by chance
See through: detect
See into: discern

See (sb) off :Be present at someone’s departure
Set about:Start doing sth
Set off:Start a journey
Set out:Begin a journey
Set up:establish
Set upon :attack
Set forth:explain
Stand up for:Maintain, speak in defence of
Stand by:support
Stand for:represent
Stand back:Move back
Take after:resemble
Take back:Withdraw as an apology
Take down:Copy, write down
take off: Remove; leave the ground and go into the air
Take to :Get into a habit
Throw away:waste
Throw up:Vomit, resign
Throw over:abandon
Turn away:Refuse to help
Turn down:reject
Turn up:Arrive; appear
Turn out:To produce; manufacture
Turn against:Become hostile
Work out:Solve; calculate
Work on/upon:influence
Work up:excite

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Lost Wallet


    One Saturday morning, Sam felt bored. He did not know what to do. He remembered that he needed to buy a story book for his friend’s birthday. So, he went to the Popular Bookshop near his house.


While he was browsing through the books, he perspired profusely. So, he took out his handkerchief. Little did he know that his wallet had dropped out of his pocket. When he went to make payment, he realised that his wallet was missing. He felt anxious because there were some money and student card inside his wallet.


Scarlett, his friend, found a blue wallet lying around the place where Sam was. She then went to the lost-and-found counter to hand in the wallet that she had found. At the payment counter, she saw Sam talking to the cashier about his missing wallet. Scarlett immediately asked him if the blue wallet that she had found was his. Sam heaved a sigh of relief.  He was grateful that Scarlett found his wallet. Sam learned his lesson and promised to be more careful with his belongings the next time.




Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Lost A Wallet At A Bookshop


            One Friday afternoon, when the sky was blazing hot, Adam went to a crowded and stuffy bookshop to buy some books for revision.


When he was browsing through the books, Adam’s forehead had beads of perspiration trickling  down. He took out his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat away. Little did he know his wallet had slipped out from his pocket when he took out his handkerchief.


When he was done selecting the books, he went to the counter to make payment. He tried to take out his wallet from his pocket but it was not there. He was anxious to find his  wallet.


There came a staff member of the bookshop. She had found Adam’s wallet. She was running towards Adam and said, “Is this your wallet?” Adam said, “Yes!” excitedly. Then, the staff member returned the wallet to Adam. The staff reminded him not to be careless again. Adam nodded and thanked the staff member for returning his wallet to him. After  paying for the things that he wanted to buy,  Adam went home, relieved!


From that day onwards, he reminded himself to  take care of his belongings properly and be responsible for his belongings always.


By Hailey Yap


Thursday, July 1, 2021

Simple Past Tense Verbs /ed/ sounds & Joining 2 words with Apostrophe[']

 Join Two Words using an Apostrophe (The Grasshopper and the Ant)

Simple Past Rule (reading words like “walked”)