Thursday, July 8, 2021

Lost Wallet


    One Saturday morning, Sam felt bored. He did not know what to do. He remembered that he needed to buy a story book for his friend’s birthday. So, he went to the Popular Bookshop near his house.


While he was browsing through the books, he perspired profusely. So, he took out his handkerchief. Little did he know that his wallet had dropped out of his pocket. When he went to make payment, he realised that his wallet was missing. He felt anxious because there were some money and student card inside his wallet.


Scarlett, his friend, found a blue wallet lying around the place where Sam was. She then went to the lost-and-found counter to hand in the wallet that she had found. At the payment counter, she saw Sam talking to the cashier about his missing wallet. Scarlett immediately asked him if the blue wallet that she had found was his. Sam heaved a sigh of relief.  He was grateful that Scarlett found his wallet. Sam learned his lesson and promised to be more careful with his belongings the next time.


