Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Lost A Wallet At A Bookshop


            One Friday afternoon, when the sky was blazing hot, Adam went to a crowded and stuffy bookshop to buy some books for revision.


When he was browsing through the books, Adam’s forehead had beads of perspiration trickling  down. He took out his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat away. Little did he know his wallet had slipped out from his pocket when he took out his handkerchief.


When he was done selecting the books, he went to the counter to make payment. He tried to take out his wallet from his pocket but it was not there. He was anxious to find his  wallet.


There came a staff member of the bookshop. She had found Adam’s wallet. She was running towards Adam and said, “Is this your wallet?” Adam said, “Yes!” excitedly. Then, the staff member returned the wallet to Adam. The staff reminded him not to be careless again. Adam nodded and thanked the staff member for returning his wallet to him. After  paying for the things that he wanted to buy,  Adam went home, relieved!


From that day onwards, he reminded himself to  take care of his belongings properly and be responsible for his belongings always.


By Hailey Yap
