Monday, August 30, 2021

Learn On Your Own 12

Simple Present Tense Structure ('has', 'have', 'does not have' and 'do not have')

Life in a Shell Summary
The Chinese Opera Game Summary
P2 English - Subject Verb Agreement (Present Tense)
Vocabulary: Hyponyms and Hypernyms (Part 1)


Vocabulary: Hyponyms and Hypernyms (Part 3 HP)
Vocabulary: Hyponyms and Hypernyms (Part 2)
Conjunctions and, but and so


P2_EL_Roti Prata Grammar/Vocabulary LS8.1
Writing - An Embarrassing Incident


Unit 8 / Roti Prata
P2 Phonics


U8 Roti Prata - Statement or Command


The Growl - Prepositions of Movement


P2 English - Countable and Uncountable Nouns


The Growl - Onomatopoeia


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

What is takes to be an IJ girl

     I started my primary school in 2020 as I enrolled in Primary 1 at CHIJ (Katong) Primary. In these last two years, I was exposed to CHIJ values and visions.

I experience and learn as I observe my school teachers and my school seniors living by the values and virtues of the school. I align myself to the school mission and vision so that I can be an accomplished IJ girl.

We have been inspired and motivated to inculcate the values below:

To be simple in virtue and steadfast in duty:

Our school encourages us to live simply and to value high morals in character building. Our teachers guide and encourage us to show responsibility as students. We are to pay attention in class and complete our work to hand in punctually.


When working in groups, we are taught to bond with our classmates and learn from one another. Unity is strength. If there is good teamwork, we can then produce better work. Different school activities are encouraged to be done in teams, so this helps us to connect and grow together.

Honesty and Truthfulness

Our ethics class helps us to see the value of living honestly and standing by the truth. We are encouraged to fight our fear and to acknowledge our mistakes. We learn to appreciate the value of honesty and truthfulness.

Equality and Just fulness

Our school has students coming from different quarters of life with different strengths and weaknesses. My classmates all have different backgrounds. We value each and everyone and opportunities are provided equally to all. We are taught to overcome any kind of biasedness.

Freedom from self-interest

Our teachers remind us and guide us to break free from self-indulging action and thoughts. We are taught to empathise with our fellow classmates. Working together and sharing work with each other make us more caring and accepting towards all.

Loving and Caring

As an IJ girl, we grow to become responsible adults. We are reminded to be kind and loving. At school in our class, our teachers encourage us to take part in different activities which make us understand the value of being loving and caring towards one another.

These values are the basis of our learning at CHIJ. As we grow up appreciating these values, we imbibe them slowly and transform into a complete IJ girl.

Written by Mabel Chatterjee



Title: What it means to be an IJ girl?


I feel happy and proud to be an IJ girl. I am taught to be hardworking and do my best in class and at home. I will treat my friends with honesty and sincerity. I always try to understand how others feel and respect them for who they are. I wish that we, IJ  girls, could make the world a better place to live in. Besides that, we should live up to our school virtues of self-discipline, integrity, compassion and respect, wherever we are.





The Bee Attack


The Bee Attack

One breezy morning, Bruce was flying his kite in a park near his house. He enjoyed flying his kite on such a windy morning. Bruce was jumping up and down when a strong gust of wind tossed his kite into a tall tree nearby.


“Oh no!” exclaimed Bruce as he wondered what to do next. Suddenly, an idea struck his mind. Bruce plucked up his legs and ran to find a long stick. He spotted a long pole on the ground and picked it up. “Maybe I could use this to get my kite out of the tree,” thought Bruce as he ran back to the tall tree where his kite was stuck in. He started to poke at his kite, but little did he know that he was poking a beehive, instead of the kite. Immediately, a swarm of buzzing bees came rushing out of the beehive and were ready to sting Bruce!


Terrified, Bruce quickly turned around and spotted a pond. He sprinted across the grass and the flowers and took a deep breath. Feeling worried, Bruce dived into the pond and held his breath. The swarm of buzzing bees buzzed above Bruce’s head and were deciding if they should go back to their beehive.


Bruce’s lungs burned in need of air and so, Bruce burst to the surface of the pond. He gasped and gasped for air. Sadly, he climbed out of the pond and walked home. Bruce had learnt his lesson that day. Always be careful of your surroundings and always be careful of what you are poking at.


Jaymee Waters

Burgundy 2/2021

Monday, August 23, 2021

Learn On Your Own 11


High Frequency Words and Compound WordsPrimary 2 - High Frequency Words and Compound Words
GrammarModal Verbs
SyntaxLife in a Shell - Rearranging Words into Sentences
VocabularyLife in a Shell- Vocabulary
Oral CommunicationP2 English Oral
OralOwl Babies
WritingP2 English Letter Writing
Oral Reading and ComprehensionAST Making Text-to-Self Connections as We Read
GrammarDeterminers ('most' and 'some')
GrammarConjunctions ('when' and 'so')
Composition WritingThink Aloud Writing

Monday, August 2, 2021

EL: Learn on Your Own 8


Listening and Viewing, Grammar28 April_ HBL_Unit 5.6 The Chinese Opera Game
Grammar - Possessive NounsPower of the Apostrophe - Possessive Nouns
Comparative adjectivesPrimary 2 EL_Comparative Adjectives
GRammarSimple Past Tense Rule
GrammarThe Chinese Opera Game - Adverbs
Listening & Viewing, Speaking and RepresentingP2 The Best Pet_Oral Communication_ICT
Reading comprehensionUse of 5W1H to understand a text
ListeningUnit 7: Ants In A Hurry
Connectors/ConjunctionsPri 2 STELLAR Unit 8 - Is the Wise Owl Wise? (Connectors)