Monday, August 2, 2021

EL: Learn on Your Own 8


Listening and Viewing, Grammar28 April_ HBL_Unit 5.6 The Chinese Opera Game
Grammar - Possessive NounsPower of the Apostrophe - Possessive Nouns
Comparative adjectivesPrimary 2 EL_Comparative Adjectives
GRammarSimple Past Tense Rule
GrammarThe Chinese Opera Game - Adverbs
Listening & Viewing, Speaking and RepresentingP2 The Best Pet_Oral Communication_ICT
Reading comprehensionUse of 5W1H to understand a text
ListeningUnit 7: Ants In A Hurry
Connectors/ConjunctionsPri 2 STELLAR Unit 8 - Is the Wise Owl Wise? (Connectors)