Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Bee Attack


The Bee Attack

One breezy morning, Bruce was flying his kite in a park near his house. He enjoyed flying his kite on such a windy morning. Bruce was jumping up and down when a strong gust of wind tossed his kite into a tall tree nearby.


“Oh no!” exclaimed Bruce as he wondered what to do next. Suddenly, an idea struck his mind. Bruce plucked up his legs and ran to find a long stick. He spotted a long pole on the ground and picked it up. “Maybe I could use this to get my kite out of the tree,” thought Bruce as he ran back to the tall tree where his kite was stuck in. He started to poke at his kite, but little did he know that he was poking a beehive, instead of the kite. Immediately, a swarm of buzzing bees came rushing out of the beehive and were ready to sting Bruce!


Terrified, Bruce quickly turned around and spotted a pond. He sprinted across the grass and the flowers and took a deep breath. Feeling worried, Bruce dived into the pond and held his breath. The swarm of buzzing bees buzzed above Bruce’s head and were deciding if they should go back to their beehive.


Bruce’s lungs burned in need of air and so, Bruce burst to the surface of the pond. He gasped and gasped for air. Sadly, he climbed out of the pond and walked home. Bruce had learnt his lesson that day. Always be careful of your surroundings and always be careful of what you are poking at.


Jaymee Waters

Burgundy 2/2021