Thursday, November 17, 2022

Fire! (2)


An arsonist

Heroic rescuers

A crowd gathered

Brave firefighters

Policemen cordoned off the affected area

Unfortunate victims

Concerned neighbours

Sympathetic onlookers

Civil Defence Officers

Specific Places

rubbish bins

petrol kiosk

flatted factory

neighbour's house

Science laboratory





store room

What We Saw

Fumes rising

A sea of fire

Sprays of water

Soot-covered wall

Smoke billowing

What we heard

an explosion

crackling of the fire

yelling for help

awoke to the sound of

screaming in pain

raised /sounded the alarm

a babble of voices

wailing siren of an ambulance

What we did

Choking back my tears

Called the fire brigade

Started a fire accidentally

We were lucky to escape alive

Burnt pieces of shredded paper

Called for help in desperation and panic

Controlled the crowd of curious onlookers

Stood there in a daze / in a state of shock

Consoled a woman whose house was burnt




A commotion

A chaotic scene

Charred remains

Homeless victims

Damaged property

Burnt to the ground

Completely destroyed

Thorough investigation

Burnt beyond recognition

Suffocated by the smoke

Here are some ways to begin:

It only takes a spark.

Fire is a good servant but a bad master.

It was to be a day that I lost everything.

I heard a very loud sound and when I looked out of my window, I saw a car across the street exploding into a ball of fire.

Here are some ways to conclude:

We learnt our lesson the hard way.

This incident made me determine to be more careful.

Whenever Sheena closed her eyes, she remembered the incident.

Although our home and belongings were gone, we still had one another.