Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The First Day of Deepavali

 The First Day of Deepavali

On the first day of Deepavali, the Hindus wear new clothes, such as saris for the females and kurta for the males.

They eat delicious food for Deepavali, such as muruku and laddu.

            For Deepavali, they use colourful uncooked rice to draw the kolam. It is beautiful flower patterns drawn on the floor, usually at the doorway.

They also visit their grandparents to give them well wishes like good health and prosperity.

(By Naomi Deng, MO1)


On the first day of Deepavali, the Hindus wear new clothes such as saris for the females and kurtas for the males.

They eat delicious food such as murukku and laddu.

They draw the kolam with wonderful patterns using colourful uncooked rice.

Like other new year celebrations, they also visit their family members such as their grandparents to give well wishes to them.

(By Alegria Woo, MO1)


On the first day of Deepavali, the Indians wear their new clothes for their special new year which is called Deepavali, the Festival of Lights.

They eat their delicious food with their family and friends. They have murukku, laddu and other kinds of food.

After their breakfast, they draw kolam on the floor with many colours and patterns.

Then they visit their grandparents and give them well wishes like good health and prosperity. 

(By Julia Toledo, MO1)