Monday, October 31, 2022

Written Expression 7, 8

 An incident At The Canteen (by Ava Coraline, MO1)

            Ring! It was recess. Two naughty boys, Tim and Ron, were running and playing in the school canteen. They could not play in the courtyard because it was raining cats and dogs, so they played in the canteen.

             Suddenly, they bumped into a teacher, Mrs Tan, who was holding a tray of drinks. The glasses of drinks dropped onto the floor and were broken. Her dress was also stained. She scolded them angrily for playing in the canteen and for bumping into her.

            The principal, Mr Tan, walked past and saw what had happened. He was very disappointed with Tim and Ron for creating such a mess. He scolded them angrily for running in the canteen.

            Tim and Ron were very ashamed so they apologized to Mrs Tan and the principal. They promised to clean up the mess and not to run in the canteen ever again.


Bee Attack (by Liu Yutong, MO1)

One fine and sunny day, a mischievous boy, Bobby, was running around a tree. He saw a beehive with bees flying around it.

Bobby was greedy and decided to get some delicious honey from the beehive for his sandwiches. He thought of a way to get the honey.

Then, he found a long stick from the ground. It was long enough to reach the beehive. With all his might, he hit the beehive and it fell to the ground with a loud thud. Bobby was delighted .

            The angry bees zoomed and buzzed loudly around Bobby. They stung him mercilessly and his body was swollen with the bee stings. He groaned in pain and howled for help. Then his mother came running with a bottle of water and poured it over him. The bees flew away in fright and Bobby was rescued. After the incident, Bobby would not dare touch a beehive again.